Wireless Broadband Router User Manual
Chapter 5 Using Network Connections
Coax Link
Set up the coax link options in this section of the Configure Coax screen.
Options include Channel, Privacy, and Password.
Channel Select the Channel from the drop-down list (select from 1-6, or
Privacy Toggle “Privacy” by clicking in the “Enabled” check box. If Privacy is
activated, all devices connected via coaxial cable must use the same password.
We recommend leaving the Privacy option deactivated.
Password Enter the Coax Link password in this text box.
Additional IP Addresses
Clicking New IP Address generates the “Additional IP Address Settings” screen,
where additional IP addresses can be created to access the Router via the Coax
Link Ethernet connection.
Coax Connection Status
Click Go to LAN Coax Stats to generate the “Coax Connection Status” screen,
which gives an overview of all the devices connected to the Router via coaxial cable.