
compare the two articulations.
think of additional legato and staccato music examples.
Lesson Completed
3. Sing & Move - The Ghost of John (Song 12)
A. Play Song Introduce legato and staccato by singing melody of The Ghost Of John with the song.
Encourage students to:
sing each phrase of melody using appropriate articulation.
discuss where melody was smooth or detached and how articulation affects the meaning of
the words.
locate new symbols (staccato dot & legato slur) on score.
sing melody again with song.
B. Have students:
create movements to demonstrate legato or staccato.
listen to song and add movements. Play Song
sing melody and move with song.
Lesson Completed
4. Play - The Ghost of John: All parts (Song 12)
A. Play Student Part 3 Ask students to:
listen and track Part 3 as it is played.
identify rhythm pattern and type of accompaniment.
tap rhythm of Part 3 on any two keyboard percussion instruments. Kbd Perc On
repeat tapping rhythm as they chant rhythm/counting syllables. Add song. Play Song
B. Kbd Perc Off After students identify whether Part 3 is legato or staccato, have them:
place left-hand fingers 5 and 1 or index fingers of both hands on notes E and B..
play Part 3 with class and chant rhythm/counting syllables.
play Part 3 with song. Play Song
C. Play Student Part 1 Ask students to:
track Part 1 as they listen.
identify steps/skips/same and repeated melodic patterns.
identify legato and staccato patterns.
D. Speakers Off Have students:
play Part 1 while singing finger numbers. Split - Treble Speakers On Play Song
play Parts 1 and 3 with song.
Left side - Split Mode Right side – Split-Treble
E. Split Treble Have partners:
play Part 2 while singing finger numbers.
play Part 2 using proper articulation.
play Part 1, 2 or 3 with class and song. Normal Mode
Split - Reset Lesson Completed
S. Synthesis: Create & Record – Melodies using articulation (Worksheet 8)
A. Worksheet 8 Play melodic patterns using A-B-C-D-E. Help students to:
imitate patterns.
write and combine four separate melodic patterns on Worksheet 8 overhead to create new
play new melody.
B. Play melody adding articulation (legato & staccato). Have students:
describe articulation.
volunteer to write articulation on overhead.
C. Ensemble Mode Speakers Off Encourage partners to:
take turns creating new melodies using legato and staccato.
practice new melodies.
write selected melodies and articulations on Worksheet 8.
Option: trade worksheets with students from another keyboard. Record traded melodies.
(NOTE: Teacher can save melodies from student keyboards to MIE Tunes.)
Speakers On Split Mode Synthesis Completed
R. Review
A. Note Monitor Create one or two measure patterns using A-B-C-D-E. Ask students to:
echo twice, one time legato and one time staccato.
B. Create patterns that are legato, staccato or both. Have students:
practice entering “black” = legato, “white” = staccato, “both” = both legato and staccato.
Review Completed