Yamaha MIE-3XG Network Card User Manual

Quiz Continued - Individual “Re-do” and Makeup Quiz
Individual “Re-do” – What if you accept an answer, but realize that one or two students did not respond? Or, you want
to give one student a chance to do a
question over, but still keep the other
students’ responses.
In Screenshot 4.9, question 1 has
been asked and notice that Justin, Na-
than, and Jessica A got the question
wrong. In order for a “re-do”, simply
click on the student(s) to whom you’d
like to ask the question again. Their
name will be white text in a black
background. You may click on as
many names as you’d like. (See
Screenshot 4.10)
When you click on the Quiz Ques-
tion number, you are allowed to ask
the question, and only those students
whose names you selected will be
able to respond.
Makeup Quiz – If a student was ab-
sent for a quiz and you want to give
them a “make-up”, simply have the
student(s) sit in the regularly assigned
seat(s). Make sure you do this when
the rest of the class is not on key-
boards (perhaps during recess, after class, lunch or after-school). Take attendance for that student’s class making sure
Screenshot 4.9 Quiz Question After Accepting All Responses