
About This Book Conventions Used in This Book
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 xxvi
Note: The screens shown in this book are examples only. The screens
you see on your system may be similar, but not exactly the same
in all cases.
Terminology The word type means to press the key or sequence of keys specified.
For example, an instruction to type the letter y is shown as
Type y to continue.
The word enter means to type a value and then press the ENTER key
on the keyboard. For example, an instruction to type the letter y and
ENTER is shown as
Enter y to continue.
The word select means to move the cursor to the desired menu item
and then press
ENTER. For example, an instruction to move the cursor to
the start test option on the Network Loop-Around Test screen and then
ENTER is shown as
> Start Test