
A Summary of Commands bbs
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 388
-h Prints information about the hardcoded portion of the BB.
-l Generates a long listing. The system displays all fields.
The column headings and meaning of the columns in the bbs listing are
given in Table 28 on page 388
. In the table, the letter l indicates the long
option, which causes the corresponding heading to appear. The all option
means that the heading always appears.
Table 28. bbs Column Headings
Column Name Option Description
SLT (all) The slot number
BBNAME (all) The name associated with the process and slot
QKY (all) The message queue key
PID (all) The process ID
INS (all) The process instance
D(all)YES if the process is a message-sending DIP
type; otherwise NO
CDATE (l) The last process creation time
WK (l) The ET work state