
A Summary of Commands Overview
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 364
dbcheck Checks the resources available in the database.
dbfrag Lists fragmentation information on the database.
dbfree Checks the space available in the database by partition.
dbused Provides database use by oracle user.
decode Converts adpcm16 or adpcm32 files to pcm64 files (SSP only).
defservice Defines an IRAPI service.
delete card/channel Removes a card or channel from a service or an equipment group.
delete eqpgrp Removes an equipment group.
delete service/startup Removes the assignment of a service to DNIS and ANI numbers or
of a service assigned directly to a channel.
detach Places a unit in the nonexistent state.
diagnose bus 1 Tests a bus while it is in service.
diagnose card Tests a card while it is in service.
dip_int Sends a DIP interrupt to a script on a channel or a range or
Table 27. Command Synopsis
Command Function
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