
A Summary of Commands Overview
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 366
erase Deletes a phrase from a UNIX talkfile (SSP only).
explain Displays online error message explanations.
faxit Queues or sends a fax.
faxlog Displays a status of the fax transmissions.
findHomes Populates a users home directory with files saved as part of an
assisted upgrade.
fixLogFile Upgrades existing logging files.
iCk Performs various integrity checks based on the rules in a script file.
lComp Combines message files to produce compressed and expanded
format files.
list Lists the directory entries for specific phrases (SSP only).
logCat Reads compressed logging files and outputs human-readable
logDstPri Creates the shared memory containing the dynamic destinations
and priorities of logging messages using logMsg.
Table 27. Command Synopsis
Command Function
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