
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
NDA-24297, Issue 1
Page 475
Meet-Me Paging - Attendant M-11
1. MEET-ME PAGING and PAGING ACCESS [P-1] can be provided simultaneously in the same system.
ARTD, CDN 6:TCL must be assigned as data 8for MEET-ME PAGE, while PAGING ACCESS routes
maybeassignedasdata11, General Page, or as data 1, DDD. Separate access codes for each feature
is required. MEET-ME PAGING answer and cancel codes are required for each MEET-ME PAGING
2. MEET-ME PAGING is limited to stations and Attendant Consoles. CO trunks, TIE LINE ACCESS [T-6]
or REMOTE ACCESS TO PBX SYSTEM [R-2] calls must have the Attendant or user perform the Paging
3. The Attendant Console cannot dial the MEET-ME PAGING answer codes.
4. BUSY VERIFICATION [B-3] and EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE [E-1]: These features will be denied for a
connection, including the Paging route.
5. DELAY OPERATION: The Attendant Console is connected to party B.
a.) The Attendant dials the MEET-ME PAGE route access code. When connected to the Page trunk,
the Attendant requests Station C to dial the MEET-ME PAGE answer code. The Attendant
presses RELEASE key. When Station C dials the answer code, Party B is connected to Station C.
b.) The Attendant presses the HOLD key, then seizes an idle loop and dials the MEET-ME PAGE
route access code. After the paging, the Attendant presses the RELEASE key. When Station C
dials the answer code, Station C terminates to an idle loop key on the Attendant Console. The
Attendant answers and places this call on hold, then sequentially presses the two held loop keys.
This connects the Attendant to the party connected to the first pressed loop key. The Attendant
can either press the TALK key, creating a THREE-WAY CALLING [T-2] connection, or press
the RELEASE key, allowing Party B and Station C to be connected. If Station C does not call the
MEET-ME PAGE answer code within 30 seconds, Party B rings back to the Attendant Console.
Normal operating indications are applied.
6. Stations and Attendant Consoles allowed Priority Page, SFI = 57, will barge into the Paging route, except
when the Attendant Console is paging. An access code to Priority Page must be assigned in ASPA, SRV
= SSC (Service Code), SID 40, and assigned for a Connection Index of Normal (N).
7. To answer the MEET-ME PAGE while connected to another party, CALL HOLD [C-6] must be used.
THREE-WAY CALLING [T-2] is not allowed.
STEP 1: ASYD - System Data 1, Index 73, Bits 0 & 1.
For MEET-ME PAGE, assign non-Delay service, Bit 0 = 1, Bit 1 = 0.
For MEET-ME PAGE, assign Delay service, Bit 0 = 0, Bit 1 = 1.
For MEET-ME PAGE, assign Delay service with CALL TRANSFER, Bit 0 = 1, Bit 1 = 1. See
System Data 1, Index 73, Bit 3. Are PAGE cancel codes provided for each route? 0/1: Per route/
Common to all routes.
System Data 1, Index 73, Bit 7. Attendant Console operation, 0/1: Connect two parties directly when
paged party dials PAGE answer code/Paged party terminates on an idle Attendant Console loop key,
then the Attendant presses both loop keys to connect the two parties.
SYS1, Index 74, Bits 0-3. Assign the cancel timer for unanswered page. Assign data 00H for 30
(0-F + 1) x 30 = Cancel Timer.