
NEAX2400 IPX Feature Programming Manual
NDA-24297, Issue 1
Page 605
Privacy Release P-18
STEP 1: ASYD - System Data 1, Index 17, Bit 2. Is PRIVACY RELEASE service to be enabled? 0/1: No/Yes.
Assign data 1.
System Data 1, Index 17, Bit 3. Is an Interrupt tone for PRIVACY RELEASE to be enabled? 0/1: No/
System Data 1, Index 17, Bit 6. Is Line Privacy Expansion service to be enabled? 0/1: No/Yes. Assign
data 1.
System Data 1, Index 17, Bit 7, Bridge Call 0/1: Privacy/Non-Privacy Operation.
System Data 2, Index 7, Bits 4-7. Assign the first digit of the phantom station number that will be used
in creating a STATION HUNTING-CIRCULAR [S-7] group. The phantom station number is assigned
to the first port of the PA-CFTB 8-Party Conference card. (This first digit must also be designated as a
level used for stations in ANPD and ASPA.)
System Data 1, Index 241, bit 5 = 1 for single line terminals.
STEP 2: ANPD - Reserve two number levels for station access. One of these number levels will be for regular
station numbers and the other will be for the Phantom stations. This is the same number as assigned
previously in System Data 2, Index 7, Bits 4-7.
STEP 3: ASPA - For the desired station number, assign SRV = STN (Station). Assign Connection Indexes (CI)
of Normal (N) and Hooking (H).
STEP 4: ASDT - Assign station data to each port of the PA-CFTB circuit card.
STEP 5: AKYD - Assign FKI = 1, Feature Key and an FKY = 48, PRIVACY RELEASE to a programmable
Line/Feature key.
STEP 6: ADSL -AssignP-RLSkey;AssignSN=4(CommunicationinProgress)andFKY=48(Privacy
This command is used for assigning a function to each soft key.
STEP 7: APHN - Assign station numbers to the PA-CFTB Port 0 station numbers. A maximum of five
phantom numbers can be assigned to a Port station number.
STEP 8: ASHC - Assign the stations of the PA-CFTB that are located on levels 1-7 to a STATION HUNTING-
CIRCULAR [S-7] group. Assign the stations associated with the two PA-CFTB cards, located on level
0, to a STATION HUNTING-CIRCULAR [S-7] group. (When it is necessary to proceed to Step 8 and
farther, this data setting is not necessary.)
STEP 9: ALPE - Assign the station number or phantom number that is assigned to Port 0 of the PA-CFTB
circuit card.When two or more PA-CFTB circuit cards are used in the same tenant, assign the station
number or phantom number that is assigned to Port 0 of any PC-CFTB circuit cards.
STEP 10: ASHP or ASHU - When two or more PA-CFTB circuit cards are used in the same one tenant, assign
the station number or the phantom number that has been assigned to Port 0 of PA-CFTB card as
STATION HUNTING-PILOT [S-9] group or UCD [U-1] group. In this case, the station number
assigned by ALPE is used as the pilot number.