Appendix A: Calculating State Tax Table Codes
120 Alpha 583cx User’s Guide
Programming the State Tax
You need to get a copy of your state's Retail Tax Chart so you can know
the base tax amount. The base tax amount is the maximum price where
no tax is charged. For example, if no tax is charged from 0 cents to 10
cents, then 10 cents is the base tax amount.
After you find out your state’s tax rate, you can program it into your cash
If you make a mistake or you hear an error beep while you are programming
the sales tax, press Clear and start over with Step 3.
To program a single fixed tax rate using a base tax amount
Example 68: If the Base Tax Amount is 10 cents and the Tax Rate is 6%:
1 Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2 If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3 In the round Number keys area, press 1 and then press the Tax 1 key.
4 Press 104 and then press the Tax 2 key.
5 Press 6000 and press the Tax 2 key. 1-800-658-8788