Chapter 8: Running Reports
80 Alpha 583cx User’s Guide
Running PLU Reports
The PLU report shows the quantity and cost of each PLU Number rung up.
Only PLUs that had sales will print.
A PLU Reading must be closed out in the Z position.
To print a PLU report
1 Put the Z or PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X or Z
2 If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3 Press the PLU key.
To print a PLU sales report, according to an assigned Department number
1 Put the Z key or the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the X
2 If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3 In the round Number keys area, specify the Starting Dept Number. It
must be 2 digits; for example 01.
4 Enter the Ending Dept Number as 2 digits.
5 Press the PLU key. The sales history for the PLUs assigned to the
departments in the specified range prints.
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