ABC Office Alpha 583cx Cash Register User Manual

Alpha 583cx User’s Guide 65
Using Training Mode
numbers continue from the last number printed before you entered
Training mode.
When the cash register is in Training mode, a small light appears in the
left digit of the Clerk display. Some transactions may also print DEMO on
the receipt.
To start Training mode
1 Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2 If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3 Using the round Number keys, press 666666 and then press the
Amount Tend Total key.
4 Now you can move the Mode key to the REG1 or REG2 position so
training can start.
To stop Training mode
1 Put the PRG key in the Mode key slot and turn it to the PRG position.
2 If you are prompted for a Manager Password, type the password number
and then press the Check key. If you did not program a Manager
Password, go to the next step.
3 Using the round Number keys, press 555555 and then press the
Amount Tend Total key.
4 Now you can move the Mode key to the REG1 or REG2 position and
use the cash register.
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