Alpha 583cx User’s Guide 9
Programming Department Keys
Programming Department Keys
You are done with the basic programming of your cash register. After you
program at least 2 department keys, you are ready to use the cash register,
if you do not want to use any of the other features.
For more information about the other features of your cash register, see
Setting Up Your Cash Register - the Basics on page 16 and Setting Up Your
Cash Register - Advanced on page 33.
To program Department 1 as taxable with no preset price and no description
1 Using the round Number keys, press 00001 and press the
Subtotal/w/Tax key.
2 Using the round Number keys, press 0 and press the Dept 1 key.
3 Press the Amount Tend/Total key. The department information is saved
in the cash register.
To program Department 2 as non-taxable with no preset price and no
1 Using the round Number keys, press 00000 and press the
Subtotal/w/Tax key.
2 Using the round Number keys, press 0 and press the Dept 2 key.
3 Press the Amount Tend/Total key. The department information is saved
in the cash register.
For more information about programming department keys, see
Programming Department Keys on page 34.
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