Chapter 8: Running Reports
74 Alpha 583cx User’s Guide
When you are done printing these reports, the information only exists
on the cash register tape. You can run almost all reports in the Z
To prevent someone from accidently printing these reports, a manager
password can be set. After the password is set, these reports do not print
until the password is entered. For information about setting manager
passwords, see Setting X and Manager Passwords on page 28.
Besides passwords, the keys that came with your cash register are also a
form of security. We recommend giving clerks the REG keys and giving
managers the Z and PRG keys.
For additional security, only the Z and PRG keys can run Z reports. The
REG key cannot run Z reports. This means that people with REG keys
cannot run or clear the transaction history.
About X Readings
There are two kinds of readings that can be taken in the X position: an X1
reading and an X2 reading.
• X1 Reading - Commonly known as a mid-day reading. Use this position
to print periodic readings of transaction totals during the course of the
day. This reading position does not reset to zero.
• X2 Reading - Commonly known as a mid-week or mid-month reading.
Use this position to print periodic readings of transaction totals during
the course of several days. This reading position does not reset to zero.
About Z Readings
There are two types of readings that can be taken in the Z position: an Z1
reading and an Z2 reading.
• Z1 reading — Commonly known as a end-of-day/daily-closeout reading.
This reading prints all transaction data and sets all totals to zero, except
the Running Grand Total.
You can also print a duplicate Z1 Report. This is useful if the register
runs out of paper or if there is a power outage while the Z1 Report is
printing. This feature can also be turned off by Flag setting 25. For more
information about Flags, see Programming Flag Options on page 56.
• Z2 reading — Commonly known as a weekly or monthly reading. This
reading prints transaction totals either on a weekly or monthly basis (not
both) and resets all transaction totals to zero except the Running Grand
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