Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration
3. Add the VLANs that will share this MSTI (MSTP VLAN Configuration).
All VLANs are automatically added to the IST (Instance 0).
To ensure that the MSTI maintains connectivity across the
network, you must
configure a related set of bridges with the same MSTI settings.
Command Attributes
• MST Instance – Instance identifier of this spanning tree. (Default: 0)
• Priority – The priority of a spanning tree instance. (Range: 0-61440 in steps of
4096; Options: 0, 4096, 8192, 12288, 16384, 20480, 24576, 28672, 32768, 36864,
40960, 45056, 49152, 53248, 57344, 61440; Default: 32768)
• VLANs in MST Instance – VLANs assigned this instance.
• MST ID – Instance identifier to configure. (Range: 0-4094; Default: 0)
• VLAN ID – VLAN to assign to this selected MST instance. (Range: 1-4093)
The other global attributes are described under “Displaying Global Settings,” page 22-3. The
attributes displayed by the CLI for individual interfaces are described under “Displaying Interface
Settings,” page 22-10
Web – Click Spanning Tree, MSTP, VLAN Configuration. Select an instance
identifier from the list, set the instance priority, and click Apply. To add the VLAN
members to an MSTI instance, enter the instance identifier, the VLAN identifier, and
click Add.
Figure 22-5 MSTP VLAN Configuration