Accton Technology ES4548D Switch User Manual

Chapter 47: Broadcast Storm Control
These commands can be used to enable broadcast storm control on a port. You can
protect your network from broadcast storms by setting a threshold for broadcast
traffic for each port. Any broadcast packets exceeding the specified threshold will
then be dropped.
switchport broadcast packet-rate
This command configures broadcast storm control. Use the no form to disable
broadcast storm control.
switchport broadcast packet-rate rate
no switchport broadcast
rate - Threshold level as a rate; i.e., packets per second.
(Range: 500-262143)
Default Setting
Enabled for all ports
Packet-rate limit: 500 pps
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet)
Command Usage
When broadcast traffic exceeds the specified threshold, packets above that
threshold are dropped.
Broadcast control does not effect IP multicast traffic.
The following shows how to configure broadcast storm control at 600 packets per
Table 47-1 Broadcast Storm Control Commands
Command Function Mode Page
switchport broadcast
Configures the broadcast storm control threshold IC 47-1
show interfaces status Displays status for the specified interface NE, PE 45-8
Console(config)#interface ethernet 1/5
Console(config-if)#switchport broadcast packet-rate 600