System Utilities
System Configuration
Selecting System Configuration presents a Basic
System Configuration screen, where you can
change several items in your computer’s
Press ↑ or ↓ to move from one item to another, and
← or → to change settings. Press F1 to get help on
a selected item. Press Esc to exit the Basic System
Configuration screen and return to the main BIOS
Utility screen.
Date and Time
The current date is in “Day-of-the-week Month
Day, Year” format—for example, [Mon Aug 11,
1997]. The current time is in
“Hour:Minutes:Seconds” format. The system uses
a 24-hour clock—for example, 6:25:50 PM appears
as 18:25:50.
Floppy Drives
The default setting for Floppy Drive A is 1.44 MB
3.5-inch. Floppy Drive B is set to None, and it is
only enabled if you connect an additional external
floppy drive.