AMX NXD-700Vi Computer Monitor User Manual

Firmware Pages and Descriptions
7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels
Refer to the Configuring a Wireless Network Access section on page 33 for further details on
these security options.
Refer to the Using the Site Survey tool section on page 34 for more information on using this
WPA-PSK Settings
Press the Static WEP button to opens the Static WEP Settings dialog (FIG. 69).
Static WEP Settings (Cont.)
Current Key: Displays the current WEP key in use.
When working with a single panel and a single WAP, it is recommended that
you manually enter the Current Key from the WAP into the selected WEP
When working with a single WAP and multiple panels, it is recommended
that you generate a Current Key using the same passphrase on all panels
and then enter the panel-produced WEP key manually into the Wireless
Access Point.
Keys may also be examined by touching the key buttons and noting the
keyboard initialization text.
Use the on-screen keyboard’s Clear button to erase stored key information.
Authentication: Toggles between the two authentication modes: Open + WEP (broadcast
publicly) or Shared + WEP (encrypted).
•An Open + WEP network allows connections from any client without
•A Shared + WEP network requires the client to submit a key which is
shared by the network WAP before it is given permission to associate with
the network. In this case the key is the same as the WEP encryption key.
In either case, if WEP encryption has been enabled, the client will still require
the WEP key to encrypt and decrypt packets in order to communicate with the
Save/Cancel: Save - store the new security information, apply changes, and return to the
previous page.
Cancel - discard changes and return to the previous page.
FIG. 69
Wireless Settings page - WPA-PSK Settings