Apple IIe Personal Computer User Manual

ThinkTank Manual
* ESCAPE: Cancels or concludes the NEW command and
returns to Top Level. (Command key ESC)
The command prefix determines how far from the bar cursor head-
line the new headline will be in the specified direction. En-
ter it just before selecting an option from the menu. While
you enter the new material, you can use the left arrow key to
backspace and correct.
Headlines are limited to the width of the screen and are
completed by pressing RETURN. Paragraphs are limited to 2048
characters and are automatically adjusted by ThinkTank so that
you do not have to press RETURN at the end of each line.
Paragraphs are completed by pressing ESC. If you exceed the
limit, ThinkTank will display the message NO ROOM FOR LAST
KEYSTROKE! See the error messages section for suggested
courses of action.
You can use ThinkTank’s text editors to edit new material
as you enter it. When you press ESC to complete a paragraph,
ThinkTank gives you a chance to revise it with the paragraph
editor before saving it. You can edit headlines through an ad-
ditional option that appears on the NEW Command Menu in NEW
* EDIT: Allows you to modify headlines with the head-
line editor. (Command key E)
The NEW/MODE/EDIT option lets you edit new headlines —— and
even move around your outline —— without leaving NEW node.
See the EDIT listing for further information.
ThinkTank displays the FILES Command Menu after you have
selected the FILES command and closed your current outline, or
when you start up the program. Select NEW to tell ThinkTank
that you want to create a new outline. If you plan to store
the new outline on a floppy disk, you must format it first
(see Appendix C).