Apple IIe Personal Computer User Manual

ThinkTank Manual
SELECT Work with a block of text
Command key: CTRL—S
Command prefix: No
Location: EDIT Command Menu (Paragraph Editor)
See also: EDIT
Enables you to manipulate a whole block of text in a
paragraph, as opposed to individual characters. The options
on the SELECTION Command Menu, which is displayed when you
choose SELECT, allow you to select the block (identify it for
ThinkTank) and copy, delete, or move it. Among the possible
options, only the ones that are currently available appear on
the menu:
* START: Begins a new selection at the flashing cur-
sor and enters SELECT mode. Once you start a selec-
tion, you define it by moving the cursor to another
position. (Command key CTRL—S)
* FINISH: Concludes SELECT mode and defines the selec-
tion as currently shown. (Command key CTRL—S)
* UNDO: Terminates SELECT mode and cancels the cur-
rent selection, resulting in no selection. (Command
key CTRL—N)
* DELETE: Concludes SELECT mode and deletes the cur-
rent selection. (Command key CTRL—D)
* COPY: Makes a copy of the current selection at the
flashing cursor. Maintains the current selection
and (unless the cursor lies within it) concludes
SELECT mode. (Command key CTRL—C)
* ESCAPE: Maintains the current selection (if there
is one) and returns to the Top Level of the text
editor. (Command key ESC)
See the reference guide listing under each option for further