Asus TS300-E5 Server User Manual

5-26 Chapter 5: BIOS setup
5.5.2 Hardware Monitor
Hardware Monitor
CPUTemperature [33ºC/91ºF]
MBTemperature [35ºC/95ºF]
CPU_Fan1Speed [2884RPM]
CPUSmartFanControl [Enabled]
CPUFanRatio [Auto]
CPUTargetTemperature [50ºC]
FRNT_Fan1Speed [2812]
FRNT_Fan2Speed [N/A]
FRNT_Fan3Speed [N/A]
REAR_Fan1Speed [N/A]
VCOREVoltage [1.288V]
3.3VVoltage [3.248V]
5VVoltage [4.608V]
12VVoltage [11.352V]
VBATVoltage [3.152V]
3VSBVoltage [3.216V]
CPU Temperature
CPU Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]
MB Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]
The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the motherboard
and CPU temperatures. Select [Ignored] if you do not wish to display the detected
CPU_Fan1 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]
FRNT_Fan1/2/3 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]
REAR_Fan1 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]
The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the CPU, front,
and rear fan speed in rotations per minute (RPM). If the fan is not connected to the
motherboard, the eld shows N/A.
CPU Smart Fan Control [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the ASUS Smart Fan feature that smartly adjusts
the fan speeds for more efcient system operation.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
The CPU Fan Ratio and CPU Target Temperature items appear only when you
set the CPU Smart Fan Control item to [Enabled].
CPU Fan Ratio [XXX]
CPU Target Temperature [XXX]
Displays the detected CPU and system threshold temperature when the Smart Fan
Control is enabled.