Error Code Message Information
Message Memory device at location <location> is not installed
LCD Message Memory <location> is not installed correctly. Reinstall.
Details The memory may not be seated correctly, misconfigured, or
has failed. Memory size is reduced.
Action Check the memory configuration. Re-seat the memory
modules. If the issue persists, see Getting Help.
Message Memory mirror redundancy is lost. Check memory device at
location(s) <location>.
LCD Message Memory mirror lost on <location>. Power cycle system.
Details The memory may not be seated correctly, misconfigured, or
has failed.
Action Check the memory configuration. Re-seat the memory
modules. If the issue persists, see Getting Help.
Message Memory mirror redundancy is degraded. Check memory
device at location <location>.
Details The memory may not be seated correctly, misconfigured, or
has failed.
Action Check the memory configuration. Re-seat the memory
modules. If the issue persists, see Getting Help.
Message Memory spare redundancy is lost. Check memory device at
location <location>.
LCD Message Memory spare lost on <location>. Power cycle system.
Details Memory sparing is no longer available.
Action Re-seat the memory modules. If the issue persists, see
Getting Help.
Message Memory redundancy is lost.
Details The memory may not be seated correctly, misconfigured, or
has failed.
Action Review system logs for memory exceptions. reinstall
memory at location <location>
Message Memory redundancy is degraded.