Dell M820 Server User Manual

Menu Item Description
DCU IP Prefetcher Allows you to enable or disable DCU IP prefetcher. By default, the DCU IP
Prefetcher option is set to Enabled.
Execute Disable Allows you enable or disable execute disable memory protection technology. By
default, the Execute Disable option is set to Enabled.
Number of Cores
per Processor
Allows you to control the number of enabled cores in each processor. By default,
the Number of Cores per Processor option is set to All.
Processor 64-bit
Specifies if the processor(s) support 64-bit extensions.
Processor Core
Displays the maximum core frequency of the processor.
Processor Bus
Displays the bus speed of the processors.
NOTE: The processor bus speed option is displayed only when both the
processors are installed.
Processor X
Family- Model-
Displays the family and model number of each processor. A submenu displays the
core speed, the amount of cache memory, and the number of cores of the
Boot Settings Screen
Menu Item Description
Boot Mode Allows you to set the boot mode of the system.
CAUTION: Switching the boot mode may prevent the system from booting if
the operating system is not installed in the same boot mode.
If the operating system supports UEFI, you can set this option to UEFI. Setting this
field to BIOS allows compatibility with non-UEFI operating systems. By default, the
Boot Mode option is set to BIOS.
NOTE: Setting this field to UEFI disables BIOS Boot Settings menu. Setting this
field to BIOS disables the UEFI Boot Settings menu.
Boot Sequence
Allows you to enable or disable the boot sequence retry feature. If this field is
enabled and the system fails to boot, the system reattempts the boot sequence
after 30 seconds. By default, the Boot Sequence Retry option is set to Disabled.
BIOS Boot Settings Allows you to enable or disable BIOS Boot options.
NOTE: This option is enabled only if the boot mode is BIOS.
UEFI Boot Settings Allows you to enable or disable UEFI Boot options. The Boot options include IPv4
PXE and IPv6 PXE. By default, the UEFI PXE boot protocol is set to IPv4.
NOTE: This option is enabled only if the boot mode is UEFI.
One-Time Boot Allows you to enable or disable a one-time boot from a selected device.