162 Configuration: Premium Feature—Snapshot Virtual Disks
For example, if you are creating the first snapshot virtual disk for a source
virtual disk called Accounting, the default snapshot virtual disk is
Accounting-1, and the associated snapshot repository virtual disk default
name is Accounting-R1. The default name of the next snapshot virtual disk
you create based on Accounting is Accounting-2, with the corresponding
snapshot repository virtual disk named as Accounting-R2 by default.
• Whether you use the software-supplied sequence number that (by
default) populates the Snapshot virtual disk name or the Snapshot
repository virtual disk name field, the next default name for a snapshot or
snapshot repository virtual disk still uses the sequence number determined
by the software. For example, if you give the first snapshot of source virtual
disk Accounting the name Accounting-8, and do not use the software-
supplied sequence number of 1, the default name for the next snapshot of
Accounting is still Accounting-2.
• The next available sequence number is based on the number of existing
snapshots of a source virtual disk. If you delete a snapshot virtual disk, its
sequence number becomes available again.
• You must choose a unique name for the snapshot virtual disk and the
snapshot repository virtual disks, or an error message is displayed.
• Names are limited to 30 characters. After you reach this limit in either the
snapshot virtual disk name or the Snapshot repository virtual disk name
fields, you can no longer type in the field. If the source virtual disk is 30
characters, the default names for the snapshot and its associated snapshot
repository virtual disk use the source virtual disk name truncated enough
to add the sequence string. For example, for Host Software Engineering
Group GR-1, the default snapshot name is Host Software Engineering GR-
1, and the default repository name would be Host Software Engineering
book.book Page 162 Thursday, December 9, 2010 3:20 PM