Emerson MVME7100 Computer Hardware User Manual

MVME7100 Single Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800E08A)
MOTLoad Firmware Command List
downLoad Down Load S-Record from Host
ds One-Line Instruction Disassembler
echo Echo a Line of Text
elfLoader ELF Object File Loader
errorDisplay Display the Contents of the Test Error Status Table
eval Evaluate Expression
execProgram Execute Program
fatDir FAT File System Directory Listing
fatGet FAT File System File Load
fdShow Display (Show) File Discriptor
flashLock Flash Memory Sector Lock
flashProgram Flash Memory Program
flashShow Display Flash Memory Device Configuration Data
flashUnlock Flash Memory Sector Unlock
gd Go Execute User-Program Direct (Ignore Break-Points)
gevDelete Global Environment Variable Delete
gevDump Global Environment Variable(s) Dump (NVRAM Header + Data)
gevEdit Global Environment Variable Edit
gevInit Global Environment Variable Area Initialize (NVRAM Header)
gevList Global Environment Variable Labels (Names) Listing
gevShow Global Environment Variable Show
gn Go Execute User-Program to Next Instruction
go Go Execute User-Program
gt Go Execute User-Program to Temporary Break-Point
hbd Display History Buffer
hbx Execute History Buffer Entry
help Display Command/Test Help Strings
l2CacheShow Display state of L2 Cache and L2CR register contents
l3CacheShow Display state of L3 Cache and L3CR register contents
Memory Display Bytes/Halfwords/Words
memShow Display Memory Allocation
Memory Modify Bytes/Halfwords/Words
Table 6-1 MOTLoad Commands (continued)
Command Description