Emerson Process Management MON2000 Whiteboard Accessories User Manual

JULY 2010 Poll Command: CGM on Alarm
9.2.13 Poll Command: CGM on Alarm
Use the CGM on Alarm command to poll the
CGM when an alarm condition is set or cleared.
Setup continuous polls so that MON2000 PLUS
can determine and retrieve the CGM with the
alarm condition. The data is saved to an output
file in CGM format and is stored in the
"\GC\SAVE\ERRORS" folder. The file name
is based on the Date/Time and ends with an 'a'.
To configure the CGM on Alarm Command,
1. From the Configuration for Data Collection
window, click the button to select
another command.
2. Next, select the Poll command.
3. Press the RIGHT ARROW key on your
keyboard, or LEFT-CLICK the mouse in the
Type field, then select CGM on Alarm.
4. Press the RIGHT ARROW key on your
keyboard, or LEFT-CLICK the mouse in the
Command Description field. Enter a
description for the CGM on Alarm
command. No further details are needed.
9.2.14 Poll Command: Condition Start
Use the Condition Start command to start
conditional polling.
To configure the Condition Start command,
1. From the General Configuration (List of
Commands) table, select Poll from the
Command column.