Emerson Process Management MON2000 Whiteboard Accessories User Manual

Set GC Com Parameters via MON2000 JULY 2010
10.2.2 Set GC Com Parameters via MON2000
Set the communication parameters for the GC
Controller serial port to which your PC, or
other device, is connected.
To determine or reset the communications
parameters at the GC Controller,
1. Use the Application > Serial Ports menu to
access the Serial Ports function. The Serial
Ports dialog appears.
2. Verify the MON2000 serial port Usage
(a) Determine the GC Controller serial port
to which you are directly connected.
(b) In the Serial Ports dialog, ensure that
the Usage setting for the port is either
“SIM-2251” or “User_Modbus”.
If the setting is incorrect, change it by
using the provided combo box.
3. Verify the Baud Rate setting.
WinMB accepts the following baud rates:
300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200.
4. Ensure the remaining serial port
parameters are correct. Revise as required
and record for future reference.
Consult accurate
documentation of the GC
installation or visually
inspect the serial line
connection at the GC
Controller Terminal Board.