6-4 Chapter 6
The Frame Relay network switch monitors the access rate and size of data
frames transferred through the mesh network. The data throughput CIR is
guaranteed by the network, but allows for excess bursts (Be) of data not to
exceed the access rate (AR) of the connection. The committed burst size (Bc)
sets the maximum amount of data that the network agrees to transfer in a
specified time period.
Bursting above the set CIR is allowed only if the connection is configured
for it and the actual bandwidth is available on an end-to-end basis. This
means that the entrance edge node into the Frame Relay network, the transit
nodes within the network, and the exiting edge node from the network must
be available before excess bursting can occur.
Diagramming Your Frame Relay Network
To ensure that all the desired connections to the Frame Relay network are
properly diagrammed, complete these steps:
1) Diagram the existing Frame Relay network showing all router access
2) Draw each connection from the local router to its corresponding partner.
3) Indicate the DLCI number assigned by the network for each connection
Planning Your Frame Relay Network
Specify the following parameters to ensure that all aspects of your
connections to the Frame Relay network are covered:.
Contact your Frame Relay network service provider and request the specific
parameter values you require.The Frame Relay network provider will set up
your service and assign DLCI numbers to each PVC.
Frame Relay Local Router ID - Symbolic name assigned by the system
administrator to identify a particular Emulex Frame Relay router. The ID
is arbitrary and provides a way to track or reference a particular Emulex
Frame Relay router. The Number of partner routers connected using
Frame Relay is also important.
Physical Type - The type of connection between the Frame Relay switch
and the Emulex Frame Relay router. (for example, V.35 or RS-232).
Interface Speed - External or internal. Internal speeds vary with the
driver used. For example, if you have an application that must