Frame Relay Configuration 6-5
communicate with three remote sites using a minimum of 32 Kbps
sustained bandwidth, the physical interface must be able to support at
least 3 x 32 Kbps = 96 Kbps. You should also consider traffic pattern
characteristics (bursty or sustained) when specifying interface speed.
Encoding Option - Corresponds to the encoding set on the physical line
to which the Emulex Frame Relay router is attached. It can be NRZI
(nonreturn to zero inverted) or NRZ (nonreturn to zero).
Destination (Partner) - Destination name at the remote end of a PVC
that connects communication partners.
DLCI - Number-Data Link Connection Identifier number assigned by the
Frame Relay network service provider for each PVC.
When you have completed all the planning steps for the Frame Relay
connections, configure your Emulex Frame Relay software as described