Frame Relay Configuration 6-9
Full Status Enquiry Counter specifies the number of standard status
enquiries to exchange before issuing a full status inquiry from the
network. The value ranges from 1 to 255 with a factory default of 6
enquiries. A full status enquiry response from the network updates the
Frame Relay network and link information tables.
Error Threshold Counter specifies the maximum number of error
events detected within the most recent monitored events (specified by the
Monitored Event Counter parameter). If this counter is exceeded, an
alarm is generated.
The counter must be less than or equal to the Monitored Event Counter.
The value ranges from 1 to 10 with an LMI factory default of 3 events
and an Annex D factory default of 3 events.
Monitored Event Counter specifies the number of most recent
consecutive exchanges to be monitored by the router. The values ranges
from 1 to 10, with a factory default of 4 events.
Status Polling Timer specifies the number of seconds between
consecutive status enquiries initiated by the router to the network. At the
specified time interval, the router requests a sequence number exchange
status. If the router does not receive a status message response within the
specified polling time, an error is detected.
The value ranges from 5 to 30, with an LMI factory default of 10
seconds and an Annex D factory default of 10 seconds.
After completing all the Frame Relay parameter modifications, press <Esc>
and select Yes to save the changes to the network interface configuration.
The Network Interfaces screen will be displayed showing the port as enabled.
Press <Esc> to return to the Internetworking Configuration menu and
continue with the following sections.