6-16 Chapter 6
Figure 6-14 Configured Wan Call Destinations
NOTE: If no permanent WAN Call Destinations have been
defined for this interface, an error message will be
9) Highlight the desired WAN Call Destination, then press <Enter>.
Press <Esc> until you are prompted to save IPX Bind Parameters.
Answer Yes to save and exit.
10) Press <Esc> again to return to the
Internetworking Configuration
To initiate any of the newly defined bindings on the WAN interface,
issue the REINITIALIZE SYSTEM command at the server/router
console OR bring down the server/router and restart.
To implement changes to an existing binding to a WAN interface, you
must issue the UNBIND IPX FROM <interface_name> command at the
server/router console, and then bring down and restart the server/router.
What’s Next?
After configuring the Frame Relay WAN connections, refer to chapter 7 to:
Configure the X.25 WAN connections.