Rev. B Wireless LAN Setup Detailed Information A-15
TM-P60 with Peeler Technical Reference Guide
A.2.3.1 Menu Bar
This table shows each item and its function.
(*) When you use this function, Windows printing cannot be done while opening the
TMNetWinConfig. You should use this option only if you connect TM-P60 with Peeler with an
RS-232C cable to your PC.
Use Time-out setting to set the time-out for data transmission and reception. This can be set
from 2 to 120 seconds. If the time-out exceeds the value set, a communication error occurs.
Menu Sub Menus Explanation
Device Configuration Start the setting of the TM-P60 selected
Launch Browser Start up the TMNetWebConfig
Quit Close the TMNetWinConfig
View Refresh Find the printers and update the list to show the latest
Tool Time-out Set the time-out for data transmission and reception
to 2 to 120 seconds.
Search Method (*) Set the search method.
Search Options IP Set the UDP/IP Search Options setting.
IPX Set the IPX Search Options setting.
COM Set the COM Search Options setting.
Firmware Update Update the firmware. (usually you don’t need to use
this function)
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