
The following graph illustrates only the relationship between the number of active data streams and performance.
It is not based on real data.
Data compression and encryption backup application features
Both software compression and encryption will randomize the source data and will, therefore, not result in a high
deduplication ratio for these data sources. Consequently, performance will also suffer. The D2D appliance will
compress the data at the end of deduplication processing anyway.
For these reasons it is best to do the following, if efficient deduplication and optimum performance are required:
Ensure that there is no encryption of data before it is sent to the D2D appliance.
Ensure that software compression is turned off within the backup application.
Not all data sources will result in high deduplication ratios and performance can, therefore, vary across different
data sources. Digital images, video, audio and compressed file archives will typically all yield low deduplication
ratios. If this data predominantly comes from a small number of server sources, consider setting up a separate
library/share for these sources for best performance.