Overall section
This section shows the combined information from both the Libraries and Shares sections. The key features
within this section are:
Housekeeping Statistics:
Status has three options: OK if housekeeping has been idle within the last 24 hours, Warning if
housekeeping has been processing nonstop for the last 24 hours, Caution if housekeeping has been
processing nonstop for the last 7 days.
Last Idle is the date and time when the housekeeping processing was last idle.
Time Idle (Last 24 Hours) is a percentage of the idle time in the last 24 hours.
Time Idle (Last 7 Days) is a percentage of the idle time in the last 7 days.
Load graph (top graph): will display what levels of load the D2D is under when housekeeping is being
processed. However this graph is intended for use when housekeeping is affecting the performance of the D2D
(e.g. housekeeping has been running nonstop for a couple of hours), therefore if housekeeping is idle most of
the time no information will be displayed.
1. Housekeeping under control
2. Housekeeping out of control, not being reduced over time
In the above graph we show two examples, one where the housekeeping load increases and then subsides,
which is normal, and another where the housekeeping job continues to grow and grow overtime. This second
condition would be a strong indication that the housekeeping jobs are not being dealt with efficiently, maybe the
housekeeping activity window is too short (housekeeping blackout window too large), or we may be overloading
the D2D with backup and replication jobs and the unit may be undersized.
Another indicator is the Time Idle status, which is a measure of the housekeeping empty queue time. If % idle
over 24 hours is = 0 this means that the box is fully occupied and that is not healthy, but this may be OK if the %
idle over 7 days is not 0 as well. For example, if the appliance is 30% idle over 7 days then we are probably
operating within reasonably safe limits.
Signs of housekeeping becoming too high are that backups may start to slow down or backup performance
becomes unpredictable.
Corrective actions if idle time is low or the load continues to increase are:
a) Use a larger D2D box or add additional shelves to increase I/O performance.
b) Restructure the backup regime to reduce overwrites.