
Step 3 Recover Data to new VTL /Share
1. Run the replication recovery wizard on the original D2D appliance, this will reverse replicate the data from
the replication target device back to the new source device.
2. Wait for replication to synchronize the devices.
3. Remove the replication mapping from either the source or target D2D Web Management Interface. The new
device on the original appliance now contains the same data as the old device did but will benefit from the
improved performance
Step 4 Reconnect to backup host and tidy up
1. Delete the target you created D2D device on D2D-B“Connect” the backup media server to the new device on
D2D-A e.g:
Mount the NFS share
Discover the iSCSI VTL device and connect
Zone the FC SAN so that the host can access the new VTL
2. If using VTL it may be necessary to delete the existing backup application presentation of the VTL and
discover the new device within the backup application. This is because the WWN and serial number of the
new library may be different to the original.
If using NAS and, if the share name is the same as previously used, the backup application should need no
re-configuration to use the new share.
3. If using VTL scan/inventory the new device so that it can update its database with the location of the
cartridges within the library. The virtual barcodes will be the same as the original cartridges so there is no
need to import the cartridge data.