Replication Throughput totals
Whilst replication jobs are running the Status - Source/Target Active Jobs pages show some detailed
performance information averaged over several minutes.
The following information is provided:
Source / Target jobs running: The number of replication jobs that this appliance is running concurrently.
Transmit / Receive Bandwidth: Amount of LAN/WAN Bandwidth in use
Outbound / Inbound Throughput: Apparent data throughput, which is the throughput standardized to
indicate what the effective transfer rate is. For example a 100GB cartridge transfer may only be
transferring 1% of unique data (1GB). The apparent rate is an indication of how fast the 100GB
cartridge is replicated in MB/sec as it proceeds through the cartridge replication.
This information can be used to assess how much bandwidth is being used and also how much efficiency
deduplication is providing to the replication process. It can also show whether replication is being able to utilize
multiple jobs to improve performance or whether only small numbers of jobs are running due to backups
completing at different times.
A best practice is to use blackout windows so that replication jobs all run concurrently at a time when backup
jobs are not running.