Seeding using physical tape or portable disk drive and ISV copy utilities
Many-to-one seeding using Physical Tape or portable disk drives
Physical tape-based or portable disk drive seeding
1. Initial backup to D2D.
2. Copy to tape(s) or a disk using backup
application software on Media Server for
NAS devices; only use simple drag and drop
to portable disk.
3. Ship tapes/disks to Data Center site..
4. Copy tapes/disks into target appliance using
backup application software on Media
Server (or for portable disks only use drag
and drop onto NAS share on the D2D
5. Establish replication.
In this method of seeding we use a removable piece of media (like LTO physical tape or removable RDX disk
drive acting as a disk Library or file library*) to move data from the remote sites to the central data center site.
This method requires the use of the backup application software and additional hardware to put the data onto
the removable media.
* Different backup software describes “disk targets for backup” in different ways e.g. HP Data Protector calls
D2D NAS shares “ DP File Libraries”, Commvault Simpana calls D2D NAS shares “Disk libraries.”
Proceed as follows
1. Perform full system backup to the D2D Backup System at the remote site using the local media server, e.g. at
remote site C.
The media server must also be able to see additional devices such as a physical LTO tape library or a
removable disk device configured as a disk target for backup.