HP (Hewlett-Packard) XE3 Laptop User Manual

Specifications and Regulatory Information
Modem Reference Information
150 Corporate Evaluator’s Guide
Command Function (Ambit)
-SDR=4 Enable distinctive ring type 3
-SDR=5 Enable distinctive ring type 1 and 3
-SDR=6 Enable distinctive ring type 2 and 3
-SDR=7 Enable distinctive ring type 1, 2 and 3
ECC Commands
%C0 Disable data compression
%C1 Enable MNP 5 data compression
%C2 Enable V.42 bis data compression
%C3 Enable both V.42 bis and MNP 5 compression
\A0 Set maximum block size in MNP to 64
\A1 Set maximum block size in MNP to 128
\A2 Set maximum block size in MNP to 192
\A3 Set maximum block size in MNP to 256
\Bn Send break of n × 100 ms
MNP 10 Commands
-K0 Disable MNP 10 extended services
-K1 Enable MNP 10 extended services
-K2 Disable MNP 10 extended services detection only
-SEC=0 Disable MNP 10-EC
-SEC=1, [<tx
Enable MNP 10-EC and set transmit level <tx level> 0 to 30 (0 dBm to -30 dBm)
FAX Class 1
+Fclass=1 Service class
+FAE=0 Disable data/fax auto answer
+FAE=1 Enable data/fax auto answer
+FRH=n Receive data with HDLC framing
+FRM=n Receive data
+FRS=n Receive silence, n×10 ms
+FTH=n Transmit data with HDLC framing
+FTM=n Transmit data
+FTS=n Stop transmission and wait, n×10 ms
AT* Commands
*B Display black-listed number
*Cn Data calling tone selection
*NCn Select country parameters: 0=US, 1=Japan, 2=Germany, 3=UK, 4=France, 5=Netherlands, 6=Italy,
7=Australia, 8=Sweden, 9=Denmark, 10=New Zealand, 11=Korea, 12=China, 13=Singapore,
14=Malaysia, 15=South Africa, 16=Poland, 17=Czech Republic, 18=Hungary, 19=Hong Kong, 20=Turkey,