Hitachi GR2000 Network Router User Manual

GR2000 Installation Guide
3-24 GR2K-GA-1002
Rev. 6.03
Table 3-24 Connector Specifications for NWVX-4, Pin Assignment for X.21
WAN 15-pin (Male) Connection Router 50-Pin Specifications
5 ————— 2 I(A) (indication) (input)
12 ————— 4I(B)
4 ————— 26 R(A) (receive) (input)
11 ————— 28 R(B)
8 ————— 34 G (signal ground)
6 ————— 50 S(A) (signal element timing) (input)
13 ————— 48 S(B)
3 ————— 1 C(A) (control) (output)
10 ————— 3C(B)
2 ————— 25 T(A) (transmit) (output)
9 ————— 27 T(B)
-46 Connection is required if the router is DTE.
Separate contact is required if it is DCE.
Table 3-25 Connector Specifications for NWVX-4, Pin Assignment for V.35
WAN 35-pin (Male) Connection Router 50-Pin Specifications
B ————— 34 SG (signal ground)
E ————— 12 DR (data set ready) (input)
J ————— 24 Ci (call indicator) (input)
F ————— 30 CD (carrier detect of data channel receive)
D ————— 16 CS (clear to send) (input)
H ————— 11 ER (data terminal ready) (output)
Y ————— 38 ST2(A) (send element timing 2) (input)
AA ————— 36 ST2(B)
U ————— 41 ST1(A) (send element timing 1) (output)
W ————— 39 ST1(B)
P ————— 19 SD(A) (send data) (output)
S ————— 17 SD(B)
R ————— 20 RD(A) (receive data) (input)
T ————— 18 RD(B)
LL No connection 13 LLB (output)
V ————— 42 RT(A) (receive element timing) (input)
X ————— 40 RT(B)
C ————— 15 RS (request to send) (output)
NN No connection 14 Ti (test indicator) (input)
A ————— Shield (frame ground)