Hitachi GR2000 Network Router User Manual

LINE 0 to 7 (50-pin half-pitch connectors) on the tips of the conversion cables are the
connectors to connect V.24/X.21/V.35, which require dedicated cables to match
each interface. Specification of the pins including the cable is shown below (the
same as that for NWVX-4U).
Table 3-28
Connector Specifications for NWVX-8, Pin Assignment for V.24
WAN 25-pin (Male) Connection Router 50-pin Specifications
2 ————— 9 SD (send data) (output)
3 ————— 10 RD (receive data) (input)
4 ————— 15 RS (request to send) (output)
5 ————— 16 CS (clear to send) (input)
6 ————— 12 DR (date set ready) (input)
7 ————— 34 SG (signal ground)
8 ————— 30 CD (carrier detect of data channel receive) (input)
15 ————— 22 ST2 (send element timing 2) (input)
17 ————— 32 RT (receive element timing) (input)
18 ————— 13 LLB (output)
1 ER (data terminal ready) (output)