GR2000 Installation Guide
2-28 GR2K-GA-1002
Rev 6.03
2.4 Device Components
Table 2-1 and Table 2-3 show the maximum number of device components described
in this section, depending on the target GR2000 model.
Table 2-1 Maximum Number of Device Components on Enhanced Models
Device Component GR2000-2S GR2000-4S GR2000-6H GR2000-10H GR2000-20H
Power Supply Unit (POW) 1 2 2 1 1
Additional POW (POWA) 0 0** 0** 1 1
Basic Control Unit (BCU) 1 1 2 2 2
(a) Main memory
(MS64, MS128, MS256)***
BCU other than
2 2 2/BCU 2/BCU 2/BCU
- - 4/BCU 4/BCU 4/BCU
(b) Memory Card (MC64) 2 2 2/BCU 2/BCU 2/BCU
Pouting Processor (RP) 0* 1 3 5 10
(a) Main memory (MS64) RP-A1 1 1/RP 1/RP 1/RP 1/RP
RP-C - - 0 0 0
RP-D - 1/RP 1/RP 1/RP 1/RP
RP-C6, RP-D6 - - 1/RP 1/RP 1/RP
(b) Main memory (MS128) RP-A1 - - - - -
RP-C - - 0 0 0
RP-D - 0 0 0 0
RP-C6, RP-D6 - - 1/RP 1/RP 1/RP
Network Interface Unit (NIF) 2 4 6 10 20
* One RP-A1equivalent is incorporated in BCU on GR2000-25.
** Power supply redundancy is implemented by installing two POWs on GR2000-4S, 6H.
*** MS256 is dedicated for BCU-H850H, BCU-M850H, and BCU-L850H.