Appendix A—Extron Switcher Interface to Model 100
HJT Model 100 User's Guide Appendix A-3
9. Set the Model 8 external “address” dip switch #5 to the closed
10. Wait 10 seconds.
11. Set Model 8 external “address” dip switch #4 to the closed position.
12. Turn power on at the remote control.
13. Edit the Model 100 VIC channel assignment.
NOTE: Steps 8 and 11 are incorrectly stated in early versions
(Rev C or earlier) of the Extron System 8 and 10 User’s Manual.
The correct steps are shown above.
A.3.2 Failure Diagnostics
If the channel change, video mute and power buttons on the switcher ALL
do not work properly, check the cabling, baud rate, or emulation. This is
an indication that data is not being sent properly between the switcher
and the projector.
If the channel change buttons work, but the video mute and power
buttons do not, check the switcher master mode setting. This is an
indication that the switcher is in slave mode.
If the channel change and power buttons work, but the video mute button
does not work, turn power off on the remote (or PC), wait until the Arc
Lamp fans have stopped running, then toggle the projector circuit to Off.
This problem is an indication that the switcher did not receive the
projector “Power On” command.