Using PageScope Web Connection
11-66 IC-206
To change the settings on the Network tab, click the [Apply] button, and
then, after “Updated Successful” appears, click the [Reset] button on the
page that appears after clicking “NIC and Printer Controller Reset” in the
menu under “Maintenance” on the System tab; otherwise, the changes
to the settings will not be applied.
Network tab — NetWare Configuration — NetWare Setting
Specify the NetWare information for the network.
To change the settings, specify the various settings, and then click the [Ap-
ply] button.
Item Description
Frame Type(*) Select the frame type.
Print Server Name Type in the name of the print server. (maximum 63 characters, excluding /
\ : ; , * [ ] < > | + = ? and .)
NDS Context
Type in the preferred NDS context name. (maximum 191 characters, ex-
cluding / \ : ; , * [ ] < > | + = and ?)
Print Server Pass-
Type in the password for the print server. (maximum 63 characters)
Password Retype
Preferred File
Type in the name of the preferred print server for Bindery. (maximum 63
characters, excluding / \ : ; , * [ ] < > | + = ? and .)