Lenovo 3444CUU Laptop User Manual

Table 4. Cong menu items (continued)
Submenu item Selection Comments
CIRA Timeout
Set timeout option for CIRA
connection to be established. 1
though 254 seconds are selectable.
If you select “0,” use 60 seconds as
default timeout value.
If you select “255,” waiting time for
establishing a connection is unlimited.
Console Type PC-ANSI
Select the console type for AMT.
Note: This console type should
match the Intel AMT remote console.
Security menu items
Table 5. Security menu items
Submenu item Selection Comments
Password: Refer to Security menu and Using passwords.
Predesktop Authentication Disabled
Enable or disable ngerprint
authentication before the operating
system is loaded.
Reader Priority External Internal
Internal Only
If External Internal is selected,
an external ngerprint reader is used
if attached. Otherwise, an internal
ngerprint reader is used. If Internal
Only is selected, an internal ngerprint
reader is used.
Security Mode
If ngerprint authentication fails,
you can still start the computer by
entering a password. If you have
selected “Normal,” enter a power-on
password or a supervisor password;
if you have selected “High,” enter a
supervisor password.
Password Authentication Disabled
Enable or disable password
authentication. If high security mode
is selected, this item appears.
Reset Fingerprint Data Enter This option is used to erase all
ngerprint data stored in the
ngerprint reader and reset settings
to the factory state (ex. Power-on
security, LEDs, etc.) As a result, any
power-on security features previously
enabled will not be able to work until
they are re-enabled in the ngerprint
Security Chip
110 User Guide