Chapter 6: Using the Software
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 126
Upgrading Software
As noted earlier the Upgrade Software command transfers, from the controller PC to the MultiVOIP unit, firmware
(including the H.323 stack) and settings. The settings can be either Factory Default Settings or Current
Configuration Settings.
Figure 6-33: Upgrade software path
NOTE: To upgrade a MultiVOIP from software version 6.04 or earlier, an ftp primer file must first be sent to
the VOIP. This file is located in the Software/ftp_Primer folder on the CD and the file name is
"FTP_Primer.bin". Before uploading this file, it must be renamed "mvpt1ftp.bin". The VOIP will only
accept files of this name. This is a safety precaution to prevent the wrong files from being uploaded to
the VOIP. Once the primer file has been uploaded, upload the FTP firmware file. If you accepted the
defaults during the software loading process, this file is located on your local drive at C:\Program
Files\Multi-Tech Systems\MultiVOIP X.NN where the X is the software number and the .NN is the
version number of the MultiVOIP software on your local drive. Of course the firmware file is named
Important: You cannot go back to 6.04 or earlier versions using FTP. You must use ‘upgrade software’ via
the serial port.
Important: These ftp upgrade instructions do not apply to software release 6.05 and above.