Appendix C: MVP428 Upgrade Card
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 139
10. There are two copper-plated holes at the LED edge of the circuit card. Place a nut beneath each hole
(lock washer side should be in contact with board) and attach a standoff to each location).
Standoff locations (2) at LED edge
of board (top view).
Standoff/nut attachment
(rear bottom view)
Figure C-6: Standoffs at LED edge of board
11. Locate the male 60-pin vertical connector near the LED edge of the main circuit card. Check that pins are
straight and evenly spaced. If not, then correct for straightness and spacing. Locate the 60-pin female
connector on the upgrade circuit card.
12. Set the upgrade circuit card on top of the main circuit card. Align the upgrade card’s 4 pairs of phone-
jacks with the 4 pairs of holes in the backplane of the main card. Slide the phone jacks into the holes.
13. Mate the upgrade card’s 60-pin female connector with the main card’s 60-pin male connector.
60-pin connectors
These screws (4 places)
attach upgrade card
to main card.
Figure C-7: Attaching upgrade card to main circuit card
14. There are four copper-plated attachment holes, two each at the front and rear edges of the upgrade card.
Attach the upgrade card to the main card using 4 Phillips screws. The upgrade card should now be firmly
attached to the main card.
15. Slide the main circuit card back into the chassis far enough to allow re-connection of power cable.
16. Re-connect power cable.
17. Slide the main circuit card fully into the chassis.
18. Re-attach the backplane of the main circuit card to the chassis with 3 screws.