NETGEAR 7000 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide Version 7.2
24-4 DHCP Server
v1.0, May 2008
Example #2: Configure a DHCP Server in Manual Mode
The following example shows how to create a DHCP server with a manual pool.
The example is shown as CLI commands and as a Web interface procedure.
CLI Commands
To use the CLI to create a DHCP server with a with a manual pool, enter the following CLI
(Netgear Switch)#config
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#service dhcp
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#ip dhcp pool pool_manual
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#client-name dhcpclient
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#hardware-address 00:01:02:03:04:05
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#host
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#client-identifier 01:00:01:02:03:04:05
Note: The unique identifier is a concatenation of the media type and MAC addresses. For
example, the Microsoft client identifier for Ethernet address c8:19:24:88:f1:77 is
01:c8:19:24:88:f1:77, where 01 represents the Ethernet media type. For more
information, see the “Address Resolution Protocol Parameters” section of
RFC 1700.