Sender Selection................................................. 54
Sender Selection List .......................................... 55
Sending a Document to a PC via LAN ................ 27
Sending Document(s) from a PC to a G3
Fax Machine...................................................... 68
Sending via an Internet Relay ............................. 66
setting.................................................................. 81
Setting the Fax Parameters ................................ 82
Setting the Internet Parameters .................... 28–31
Setting the Routing Parameters .......................... 56
Setting Up Your Machine as an Internet
Relay Station..................................................... 63
SMTP Mail Server ......................................... 20–23
Sub Address Password....................................... 85
Substitute Memory Reception ........................... 123
Symbols/Icons....................................................... 4
To Edit the Retrieved or Backup Internet
Parameters File................................................. 94
To Retrieve Each Parameters............................. 92
To Stop the Transmission ................................... 10
Transaction Journal............................................. 87
Transmission Resolution..................................... 26
Transmitted Document Confirmation .................. 26
Troubleshooting ................................................ 112
Unattended Email Reception from
the POP Server..................................................46
User Parameter..............................................28–29
Using the Functions .............................................12
Verification Stamp..............................................123
Your Machine Cannot Make a Phone Call
via LAN ..............................................................26
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