Chapter 5 Internet Fax
Routing Setup Flow
Before the inbound routing feature can be used, the Function Parameters and address book
programming is required.
Configure your machine for Internet Fax (see page 100)
Set required parameters to “Valid” in Function Parameters
To use sub-addressing...........................Set “152 Sub-Addr Routing” to “Valid” in Function
Parameters (Fax/Email Settings > Fax Parameters)
To use a numeric ID...............................Set “153 TSI Routing” to “Valid” in Function Parameters
(Fax/Email Settings > Fax Parameters)
zRefer to Settings for Inbound Routing (see page 132).
Program the transferring station in the address book
Program Internet Fax or a remote computer as a transferring destination
(Program the Email Address of the transferring destination in the address book)
Program a G3 Fax station as a transferring destination
(Program the fax number of the transferring destination in the address book)
zRefer to Programming the Address Book for Inbound Routing (see page 133).