Input Measurements
Sense line settings for popular video cards
Graphic card/
System Monitor type Resolution Sense 3 Sense 2 Sense 1 Sense 0
Hewlett- OmniBook 640 x 480 High High High Low
MAC / RGB 13" 640 x 480 High High High Low
16" 832 x 624 High High High High
(with terminator
RGB 19" 1024 x 768 High High High High
(with terminator
RGB 21" 1152 x 870 High Low Low Low
Sun GX 1152 x 900 66 Hz High Low High High
1152 x 900 76 Hz High High Low Low
1280 x 1024 76 Hz High Low High Low
GXplus 1152 x 900 66 Hz High High High High
1152 x 900 76 Hz High High High Low
1280 x 1024 67 Hz High High Low Low
1 Per Apple, the PowerBook only displays resolutions up to 832 x 624.
2 The Griffin Mac Sync Adapter can select many different resolutions through switch settings on the adapter itself.
Instructions to use these switches are included with the adapter. To contact Griffin regarding the adapter (part number
02-20-UNV): Griffin Communications Corporation, 1451 Elm Hill Pike, Suite 100, Nashville, TN 37210, phone (615) 399-
0990, fax (615) 399-7060.
Appendix C 123
Input Measurements
V Sync: 72.00 Hz
H Sync: 78.00 KHz
Lines: 1057 Sense: HLHL